식약처, ‘최신 나노연구 학술대회’개최

  • 등록 2013.04.09 10:22:20

국내·외 나노 안전성 연구 동향 공유

식품의약품안전처(처장 정승) 식품의약품안전평가원은 ‘최신 나노연구 학술대회’를 오는 11일 서울 종로구 소재 ‘엠베서더 호텔’에서 개최한다고 밝혔다.

이번 학술대회는 국내·외 나노안전성연구 동향을 공유하기 위해 마련됐으며, 나노안전성평가기반연구사업단, 고려대한국분자의학영양연구소, 대한독성유전·단백제학회, 연세대 및 가천대 등이 참석한다.

주요 내용은 ▲나노안전성에 대한 국제 협력 연구 ▲나노물질의 독성평가 방법 ▲최신 나노독성평가 연구동향 등이다. 나노(nano)는 10억분의 1(10-9)을 의미하는 단위로, 통상 1에서 100나노미터 크기의 물질을 의미한다.

안전평가원은 이번 학술대회를 통해 나노 물질의 안전성 평가 기반 마련에 도움이 되기를 기대한다고 설명했다.

                                     *나노연구 학술대회 프로그램

○ 일시: 2013. 4. 11. (목) 16:00 ~ 21:00

장소:서울 앰베서더 호텔





16:00 ~ 16:40

Nano-Associated Research Analysis: Alzheimer’s Disease and

inflammatory biomarkers

Seong Soo An

(Gachon Univ., Korea)


16:40 ~ 17:10

Innovations on Nanoscience: Review of Outer Membrane

Proteases of Enterohemorrhagic and Enteropathogenic

Escherichia coli

John Hulme

(Gachon Univ., Korea/ Manchester Univ., UK)


17:10 ~ 17:40

Research for Efficient Management and International

Cooperation of Nano-safety Study

Meyoung-Kon Kim

(Korea Univ., Korea)


18:00 ~ 19:00

토 의

19:00 ~ 19:20

A study of Optothermal and Cytotoxic Properties of Silica

Coated Au Nanorods

Mohan Kandhasamy

(Gachon Univ., Korea/

Bharathiar Univ., India)


19:20 ~ 19:40

In Vivo Immunotoxicity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle (NP):

Dose and Time Effect

Rosa Mistica Coles Ignacio

(Yonsei Univ., Korea/

Philippines Baguio Univ., Philippines)


19:40 ~ 20:00

Synthesis of Calcium Phosphae Nanopowders by Micorwave

Hydrothermal Method and Making Functionally Modified

Granular Bone Substitute Using This Powders

Swapan Kumar Sarkar

(Soonchunhang Univ., Korea)


20:00 ~ 20:20

C9orf72 Analysis in Korean Patients with Various

Neurodegenerative Dementia

Eva Bagyinszky

(Gachon Univ., Korea)


20:20 ~ 20:40

Searching for Responsible Mutations of Frontotemporal

Dementia in Young Korean Dementia Patients

Lingyan Shen

(Gachon Univ., Korea)


20:40 ~ 21:00

Label-free Highly Sensitive Optical Sensing Platform with

Surface Plasmonic Optical Fiber for Real-time Continuous

Monitoring of Proteins

Tan-Tai Nguyen

(Gachon Univ., Korea)



질의 및 종료





16:00 ~ 16:40

Nano-Associated Research Analysis: Alzheimer’s Disease and

inflammatory biomarkers

Seong Soo An

(Gachon Univ., Korea)


16:40 ~ 17:10

Innovations on Nanoscience: Review of Outer Membrane

Proteases of Enterohemorrhagic and Enteropathogenic

Escherichia coli

John Hulme

(Gachon Univ., Korea/ Manchester Univ., UK)


17:10 ~ 17:40

Research for Efficient Management and International

Cooperation of Nano-safety Study

Meyoung-Kon Kim

(Korea Univ., Korea)


18:00 ~ 19:00

토 의

19:00 ~ 19:20

A study of Optothermal and Cytotoxic Properties of Silica

Coated Au Nanorods

Mohan Kandhasamy

(Gachon Univ., Korea/

Bharathiar Univ., India)


19:20 ~ 19:40

In Vivo Immunotoxicity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle (NP):

Dose and Time Effect

Rosa Mistica Coles Ignacio

(Yonsei Univ., Korea/

Philippines Baguio Univ., Philippines)


19:40 ~ 20:00

Synthesis of Calcium Phosphae Nanopowders by Micorwave

Hydrothermal Method and Making Functionally Modified

Granular Bone Substitute Using This Powders

Swapan Kumar Sarkar

(Soonchunhang Univ., Korea)


20:00 ~ 20:20

C9orf72 Analysis in Korean Patients with Various

Neurodegenerative Dementia

Eva Bagyinszky

(Gachon Univ., Korea)


20:20 ~ 20:40

Searching for Responsible Mutations of Frontotemporal

Dementia in Young Korean Dementia Patients

Lingyan Shen

(Gachon Univ., Korea)


20:40 ~ 21:00

Label-free Highly Sensitive Optical Sensing Platform with

Surface Plasmonic Optical Fiber for Real-time Continuous

Monitoring of Proteins

Tan-Tai Nguyen

(Gachon Univ., Korea)



질의 및 종료 

푸드투데이 박찬균 기자 allopen@korea.com
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